Leeds Castle

Maidstone, Kent

The current Tudor style iteration of Leeds Castle was completed in 1823, and is the latest in an unbroken line of buildings dating from 1119. Catherine of Aragon is probably the most publicly recognised permanent resident of the castle, which has served duty as a home, a prison, a hospital and an arsenal during its life.

Campbell Smith & Co specialist conservators undertook the redecoration of the Dining Room and the Library during the spring of 2015. Paintwork was stripped to remove multiple, thick, layers of accumulated paint and dirt, repairs were carried to restore original profiles and details prior to restoration using a range of specialist fine decoration techniques.

The Campbell Smith conservator team worked with our alliance partners Crick Smith University of Lincoln, who undertook restoration of the furniture including the dining table and all the leather upholstered chairs, cleaning, and repairing worn and damaged areas.
