Woolwich Barracks

Woolwich, London

The magnificent George III heraldic arms which crown the central arch of the main portico of the Officers’ Mess at the Royal Artillery Barracks had suffered significant weathering decay over many years and had lost over 70% of its detail. Campbell Smith & Co researchers carried out investigations to accurately identify the colours and detail of the crest as it was originally installed.

Specialist operatives from Campbell Smith & Co removed degraded paints by hand, and the surface and details were made good. After sealing, the surface was repainted using paints colour matched by the manufacturer, Keim, to specifications provided by Campbell Smith & Co.

The lion and other elements were re-gilded with two layers extra thick loose leaf 23.5 carat gold leaf to provide maximum durability.

The heraldic detail of the shield and the unicorn’s cape was designed by Campbell Smith & Co and approved for accuracy by the Queen’s Scribe prior to work on it commencing. The final application of gold leaf was undertaken by Major General Osbourne, the General Officer Commanding London District of the army.

The restoration of the Coat of Arms was Highly Commended by the judges from the Painting & Decorating Association who complimented the “historically accurate, delightful and significant restoration project”
